2024 Spring/Summer Schedule of Courses


Please check regularly for the most up-to-date information.

Locations and Instructors will be updated shortly.

Updated: March 1, 2024


Course Section Course Title Location Time Instructor Days & Dates
EDUC 42D3 SU01 Principles & Practices I (Secondary) SEM 117 8:30-11:50AM Prof. Kym Hume May 21 (9:30-12pm), 22-24, 27-29; Jun 3-5
EDUC 42D3 SU02 Principles & Practices I (Secondary) SEM 229 8:30-11:50AM Prof. Page Murphy
EDUC 42E3 SU01 Principles & Practices I (Elementary) SEM 242 8:30-11:50AM Dr. Marie Edwards
EDUC 42E3 SU02 Principles & Practices I (Elementary) SEM 228 8:30-11:50AM Prof. Natalie Dempsey
EDUC 4333 SU01 Equity and Inclusive Schooling (Elem/Sec) SEM 242 8:30-11:50AM Prof. Rupinder Grewal May 30, 31; Jun 6, 7, 13, 14, 20, 21, 27, 28
EDUC 4333 SU02 Equity and Inclusive Schooling (Elem/Sec) SEM 229 8:30-11:50AM Prof. Martin Morrison
EDUC 4333 SU03 Equity and Inclusive Schooling (Elem/Sec) SEM 229 1:00-4:20PM Prof. Martin Morrison
EDUC 4333 SU04 Equity and Inclusive Schooling (Elem/Sec) SEM 242 1:00-4:20PM Prof. Rupinder Grewal
EDUC 4053 SU01 Healthy Learning Environments (Elem/Sec) SEM 242 8:30-11:50AM Prof. Natalie Dempsey Jun 10-12, 17-19, 24-26; July 2
EDUC 4053 SU02 Healthy Learning Environments (Elem/Sec) SEM 229 8:30-11:50AM Dr. Marie Edwards
EDUC 4053 SU03 Healthy Learning Environments (Elem/Sec) SEM 229 1:00-4:20PM Dr. Marie Edwards
EDUC 4053 SU04 Healthy Learning Environments (Elem/Sec) SEM 242 1:00-4:20PM Prof. Natalie Dempsey
EDUC 41F3 SU01 Sociological, Historical, Philosophical Foundations of Education (Elem/Sec) SEM 242 8:30-11:50AM Dr. Jennifer Tinkham Jul 4, 5, 8-17
EDUC 41F3 SU02 Sociological, Historical, Philosophical Foundations of Education (Elem/Sec) SEM 229 8:30-11:50AM Prof. Gemma Porter
EDUC 41F3 SU03 Sociological, Historical, Philosophical Foundations of Education (Elem/Sec) SEM 242 1:00-4:20PM Dr. Jennifer Tinkham
EDUC 41F3 SU04 Sociological, Historical, Philosophical Foundations of Education (Elem/Sec) SEM 229 1:00-4:20PM Prof. Gemma Porter
EDUC 4503 SU01 Digital Literacy and Curriculum (Elementary) SEM 242 8:30-11:50AM Prof. Paul Warren Jul 22 - Aug 2
EDUC 4503 SU02 Digital Literacy and Curriculum (Elementary) SEM 242 1:00-4:20PM Prof. Paul Warren
EDUC 4503 SU03 Digital Literacy and Curriculum (Secondary) SEM 229 8:30-11:50AM Prof. Ryan Hainstock
EDUC 4503 SU04 Digital Literacy and Curriculum (Secondary) SEM 229 1:00-4:20PM Prof. Ryan Hainstock







Updated: May 29, 2024





EDUC 4133 FA01 or FA02
Elementary Language Arts 1

EDUC 4433 FA01 or FA02
Assessment for Teaching and Learning

EDUC 4153 FA01 or FA02
Teaching Science in Elementary School

EDUC 4203 FA01 or FA02
Literacy Across the Curriculum

EDUC 4173 FA01 or FA02
Teaching Mathematics in Elementary School 1

Introductory Teachable in First Teachable Discipline
(see table below)

EDUC 4243 FA01 or FA03
Teaching Social Studies in the Elementary School

Introductory Teachable in Second Teachable Discipline
(see table below)

EDUC 4003 FA01
Practicum 1 (Wednesdays Sept - Nov)

EDUC 4003 FA01
Practicum 1 (Wednesdays Sept - Nov)

EDUC 40A3 FA01
Practicum 2 (Nov - Dec)

EDUC 40A3 FA01
Practicum 2 (Nov - Dec)


NOTE: Music students will take EDUC 4653 WI01 in place of Winter elective 




EDUC 40B3 WI01 or WI02
Teaching Mathematics in Elementary School 2

EDUC 4263 WI01 or WI05 or WI06
Curriculum and Instruction for Diverse Learners

EDUC 4233 WI01 or WI02
Elementary Language Arts 2

Advanced Teachable in First Teachable Discipline
(see table below)

EDUC 4433 WI01 or WI02
Assessment for Teaching and Learning

Advanced Teachable in Second Teachable Discipline
(see table below)

EDUC 4263 WI02 or WI03 or WI04
Curriculum and Instruction for Diverse Learners

Elective  (Music students take EDUC 4653 WI01)

EDUC 4923 WI01
Practicum 3 (March - April)

EDUC 4923 WI01
Practicum 3 (March - April)


Introductory courses for Secondary teachable areas: 


Course Number

Course Name



Secondary Art Methods I (Partnership with MSVU)


EDUC 42F3 FA01

Special Topics: Business Methods 1

Computer Science

EDUC 42P3 FA01

Teaching Computer Science Methods 1


EDUC 4353 FA01

Teaching English in Secondary School 1


EDUC 4103 FA01

Strategies in Teaching a Second Language


EDUC 4183 FA01

Teaching Mathematics in Secondary School 1


EDUC 4663 FA01

Music for Education in the Secondary School 1

Phys Ed

EDUC 4313 FA01

Teaching Physical Activity and Healthy Living Education I


EDUC 4143 FA01

Teaching Science in the Secondary School 1


EDUC 42F3 FA01

Topics: Emerging Secondary Science Education Methods

Soc St

EDUC 4113 FA01

Teaching Social Studies in Secondary School 1


* If Science is both 1st and 2nd teachable, EDUC 42F3 WI01 (Topics: Emerging Secondary Science Education Methods) will count as an additional science methods course. Please register in a fall term elective to maintain the credit hour requirement (60h) for the B.Ed. degree.

** If Social Studies is both 1st and 2nd teachable, EDUC 40E3 WI01 (Teaching Human Geography in Secondary School I) will count as an additional social studies methods course. Please register in a fall term elective to maintain the credit hour requirement (60h) for the B.Ed. degree.

Advanced courses for Secondary teachable areas:


Course Number

Course Name



Secondary Art Methods II (Partnership with MSVU)


EDUC 42F3 WI02

Special Topics: Business Methods 2

Computer Science

EDUC 42R3 WI01

Teaching Computer Science Methods 2


EDUC 4753 WI01

Teaching Secondary English 2


EDUC 4793 WI01

Curriculum Issues in French as a Second Language


EDUC 4783 WI01

Teaching Mathematics in Secondary School 2


EDUC 4963 WI01

Music Education for the Secondary School 2

Phys Ed

EDUC 4703 WI01

Teaching Physical Activity and Healthy Living Education 2


EDUC 4643 WI01

Teaching Science in Secondary School 2

Soc St

EDUC 4613 WI01

Teaching Social Studies in Secondary School 2

**Soc St

EDUC 40E3 WI01

Teaching Human Geography in Secondary School I