
Admission is gained through normal Bachelor of Education admissions procedures. Entrance requirements include a 2.67 (B-) GPA, an undergraduate degree in Music with a concentration in Music Instruction.

Students must have 30 credit hours of Music Education in their undergraduate degree.


Required Music Education Courses (a minimum of 21 of 30 required credit hours) must reflect the following:

Minimum 15 credit hours/five half courses or equivalent including:

·  Elementary Music Classroom Methods and Pedagogy

·  Secondary Music Classroom Methods and Pedagogy

·  Voice Training (Choral and/or Vocal Technique

·  Conducting (minimum3 hours/ one half course)

·  Contemporary Music (Jazz, Traditional/Folk, Indigenous Musical Practices, Music of the World, Improvisation)

In addition, students require a minimum of 6 credit hours/two half courses of:

·  Instrumental Methods encompassing Woodwind, Brass, and Percussion instruments.

Additional Music Experiences (up to 9 credit hours):

·  Students must complete "Additional Music Experience" courses that will enhance their breadth and knowledge in the classroom. This can include courses like:

·  World Drumming

·  Voice Pedagogy

·  Guitar Class

·  Improvisation

·  Musics of the World

·  String Methods

·  Folk/Traditional Music

·  Functional Piano

·  Other


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