International Practicum
Shanghai Practicum Experience
At Acadia You Have an Incredible Opportunity To Do Your Final 2nd Year (2 year program option) Field Experience in Shanghai, China!
We are looking for students that have a sense of adventure and commitment. A group of students who want to experience another culture, an unparalleled teaching experience!
To make this possible, we have a lot of planning to do and we need to know right away if you are interested! When you apply for our B.Ed. let us know that you want to take advantage of this unparalleled opportunity. If you have any inclination that teaching abroad is part of your future plans, this program is for you. We have placed over 160 students in China over 17 years; we work with a reputable liaison company who offers teaching positions to students after successful completion of our Shanghai practicum. Jobs in teaching are all over the world. Acadia will prepare you for that challenge!
TESOL courses as an overload are no longer part of a program fee as a result of recent policy changes at the university. This means students may incur a per course fee for as many as 3 courses to be TESL certified. Other options are being explored that offer adequate preparation (such as TEFL) that represent a significant cost savings. We cannot guarantee that these cheaper alternatives to TESL (TEFL is 90 British pounds ) will endure past COVID, but we remain hopeful that this option will remain possible.
The field experience begins in mid February and goes to the middle of June. The application cost to the student is minimal by comparison to other institutional programs ( visa application, vaccinations, passport photos etc.). The School of Education has carefully prepared a binding contract between the Chinese Liaison company and the student. You must be committed to staying until the end of June. This ensures that all your costs are covered (airfare, room & board, travel to school and all work visa costs!). In addition, the liaison company pays you a stipend (typically $800-1000/mth) for teaching as a graduated teacher in May and June. What an opportunity for the right students, right here at Acadia!
Imagine, a 4-month sample of international teaching at minimal cost, approximately 6 weeks of paid work experience, TESL certification and a potential job offer. You want to have a life changing experience, apply to Acadia today and be sure to let us know in your application package…you want to go to Shanghai!
Spaces are limited for this opportunity to apply. The first 13 students that commit interest will be considered for the program and a waiting list will be established thereafter. Suitability for final selection will be based (in part) on completion of the TESL program, successful teaching practica and positive feedback from professors, supervisors and cooperating teachers. We have a lot of experience choosing a group of students that are ready for this teaching context; we don’t guarantee that everyone that applies for the program will be chosen to go. We take the responsibility seriously of placing you in a teaching context that you can handle. Our program also involves regular classes to prepare you after your first year of successful teaching in Nova Scotia schools.
Quotes from recent Acadia Students
Listen to Jessica Brown talk about her experience in Shanghai!
"Teaching in China has been one of the greatest, most rewarding, eye opening and educational opportunities a young teacher could have. While the work is nothing like what I will do in Canada in many ways (I am a Secondary Science/Math teacher, not an ESL teacher), learning to think on my feet, be flexible and adaptable, form relationships and teach in a classroom where, in Canada, the students would be separated because of their WIIIIIIIDE range of abilities has been among the greatest learning experiences I have had."
"Living in another country is an experience you can’t obtain any way besides, well, just doing it. It gives you world perspective; it shows you new ways of being and teaching and helps you appreciate everything we have in Canada. Shanghai is also a fantastic launching point for many of China’s best destinations (in 3 months I have been to Hong Kong, Beijing, Chengdu, Hangzhou, Suzhou, the Great Wall...). When it comes to picking between a fourth, five week practicum in Canada or a 4 month experience that will not only shape you as a person and allow you to see CHINA, but will help you obtain a job (I already have!) because you teach for a full term instead of 5 weeks, it should be a no-brainer. Sure, it’s a little unnerving and there are growing pains, but I will be very very sad to leave. This is the best program Acadia has to offer!"
"First of all, China is amazing. It will be an experience like you have never had. The people are very nice and want to talk to you, especially at your school. Try not to hide away in your office... make conversation with them. They will love to give you all the great tips about where to shop, eat and travel. "
"If you are thinking about coming to China for your last practicum… DO IT! This has been the most amazing, challenging and rewarding experience of my Bachelor of Education and, of my life thus far. I have learned so much about myself as a teacher and as a person. It is so important to go into this experience with an open mind and to take advantage of every moment. Before we came to China we were told how important it is to have a “slippery back”. I don’t think there is any way to possibly understand how important this is until you are here. This means that there are things that will happen here that you never would have thought possible, you will get lost, you will try to communicate something that should be so easy, but where the language barrier makes it 100 times harder and you will take some time to get used to daily routines and difference in China. Some of this might sound scary, but it really doesn’t even come close to as big of a highlight as the adventure and the amazing people you will meet both in schools and in your community.”
"Dr. MacKinnon asked me to write some feedback on my experience in Shanghai 2013. I will start by saying that this practicum experience will be both the hardest and most rewarding experience of your life. You will be told by several people who have gone that it is the greatest experience of their life. This is true. You will become a more experienced and wiser person"